Thursday night boredom
So I thought it was time to catch up. I did finally finish the baby sweater, and although I am pleased with the results I may never use another Debbie Bliss pattern again. She gave the oddest short-row instructions I've ever seen, and I'm glad I had already done them so that I didn't have to try and follow hers. Basically, she says to do the W&T, then slip a stitch. ??? I gave her the benefit of the doubt and tried it, but it looked and felt really weird so I undid it and just did it the way I was used to. But it turned out great and the mom loves it.

Next up is the hat I've been working on sporadically for months. Apologies for the lousy seems that our 4.5 YO digital camera is trying to give up the ghost and is doing strange things with color and focus. Maybe I can convince Mom to get me an iphone now that I need a phone AND a camera. :) (During a torrential downpour a month or so ago, my phone took a bath and hasn't worked properly since. I've been using my old phone, which works okay but doesn't hold a charge so well and occasionally just doesn't want to do anything.)

I think it's probably going to be a little big on me, but worst case scenario is that I learn from it then donate it to charity.
Rollin' Beret - finished months ago, but finally got a decent photo:

One strand each of JoAnn Sensations Dreamweave and TruBoo, about 1.3 skeins of each. Love the feel, and it's nice and warm, but a little too big.
Cable Twist Handwarmers, also finished months ago:

Colinette Cadenza, about 1.25 skeins
A trio of baby hats for my boss's preemie triplet grandbabies:

3 skeins of Patons Grace (one each of white, purple, and green)
I suppose that's all for now!

Next up is the hat I've been working on sporadically for months. Apologies for the lousy seems that our 4.5 YO digital camera is trying to give up the ghost and is doing strange things with color and focus. Maybe I can convince Mom to get me an iphone now that I need a phone AND a camera. :) (During a torrential downpour a month or so ago, my phone took a bath and hasn't worked properly since. I've been using my old phone, which works okay but doesn't hold a charge so well and occasionally just doesn't want to do anything.)

I think it's probably going to be a little big on me, but worst case scenario is that I learn from it then donate it to charity.
Rollin' Beret - finished months ago, but finally got a decent photo:

One strand each of JoAnn Sensations Dreamweave and TruBoo, about 1.3 skeins of each. Love the feel, and it's nice and warm, but a little too big.
Cable Twist Handwarmers, also finished months ago:

Colinette Cadenza, about 1.25 skeins
A trio of baby hats for my boss's preemie triplet grandbabies:

3 skeins of Patons Grace (one each of white, purple, and green)
I suppose that's all for now!